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Evening Breeze | Essay
Cheng Huizi tells a story of regrets and growth brought by the college entrance exam

Blood on the Tracks: The Story of China’s Greatest Train Robbery
James Zimmerman’s new book examines the sensational stories behind the 1923 robbery of the Peking Express

On the Road in Republican China
A new book by historian Yajun Mo reveals the through-lines linking Chinese travelers, past and present

Anxiety and Opportunism on the Russia-China Border | Book Review
Franck Billé and Caroline Humphrey’s “On the Edge” portrays how China’s rise reshaped the reality of the people living just across the river

Distant Pastures
Li Juan’s memoirs of pastoral life give glimpses into disappearing livelihoods in the Altai Mountains

Desert Echo
The late writer Sanmao’s memoir ‘Stories of the Sahara’ is a humanistic whirlwind through a harsh and poignant landscape

Whistling ‘Dixie’
Historians are still uncovering a doomed American wartime mission to meet Maoist rebels and broker an alliance

The Devil’s Advocates
Paul French’s latest book reconstructs Jazz Age Shanghai in sin and splendor

The Art of Flowers
Author Sun Ke discusses the forgotten history of Chinese flower arrangement

Great Expectations
With US-China relations facing fresh challenges, a new book ponders if history offers clues to its future