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Tech Thursday: Technically Fooled
Though Covid-19 tamed some April Fool’s pranks, some Chinese companies were up to their usual tricks

Tech Thursday: The Great Robo-Shop Flop
Is this the end of China’s brief experiment with self-service stores?

Tech Thursday: 911 on 996
Tech employees are organizing against a punitive work culture, pushing at the limits of online debate

Tech Thursday: War of Tycoons
There’s little love lost between Jack Ma and Richard Liu, but the drama of the last two weeks have cast the rivalry in different lights
Tech Thursday: Soft(ware) Power
Knockoff accusations against China’s “homegrown browser” are just the latest in a history of high-profile IP fraud in China
Tech Thursday: Pinduoduo
After raising 1.6 billion USD floating on the NASDAQ, Chinese group-buying app faces fake goods accusations
Tech Thursday Episode 47
AI submarine, Facebook subsidiary vanished, WeChat records in court, Alipay tracks vaccines, and sewage gets tested for drugs

Tech Thursday Episode 46
Google games, ZTE is back, and deep-sea robots. The future’s here, the future’s Thursday.
Tech Thursday episode 44
Advanced lock-pick on Taobao, Chinese Academy of Sciences develops laser assault rifle, and everybody else develops AI
Tech Thursday Episode 42
Vehicle tracking chips, drone firefighters, and robo-deliveries. Welcome to the future—welcome to Tech Thursday