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Fertile Ground: Sperm Banks in China Struggle to Meet Growing Demand
Demand for sperm banks is rising, but young men struggle to meet tough technical and societal standards to donate

Let’s Talk About Sex (Education in China)
Grassroots organizations and social media are filling a wide gap in China’s formal sex education

China’s Silent Epidemic: HIV/AIDS Patients’ Struggle to Live Life Out of the Shadows
Over 30 years after China’s first diagnosed HIV/AIDS case, patients still battle stigma and ignorance

Sexual Healing
Surveys suggest that, after decades of official puritanism and a culture of sexual shaming, young Chinese are leading the way in promoting greater sex positivity—but marriage still presents a sticking point.

China’s greatest philanderers? IT nerds
Which professions cheat on their spouses the most?

Feminine Beauty Brings Disaster
Ding Xuan has some really sexist, really dumb ideas about young women