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Can ‘Hero’ Save the Pandemic Film Genre in China?
A film from late 2022 offers something different from the maudlin sentiment of mainstream Chinese films about the human toll of Covid-19

JIHU Bridges East and West with Contemporary R&B
Rising singer-songwriter fuses Yi language, Han lyricism, and sounds of nature in new single

What Does ‘Upcoming Summer’ Say about Youth and Love?
A “controversial” teen summer movie tackles coming-of-age and (possible) LGBT themes

Lust, Revolution
In Yan Lianke's "Hard Like Water," eroticism and class conflict overlap within the Maoist vanguard of the Cultural Revolution

'Sister' Spotlights Male-Preferring Families
"Sister" puts the spotlight on Chinese families' traditional preference for sons

Empire of Silver
Jin Xu's new book puts silver at the center of dynastic fortunes throughout Chinese history

Silent Centennial
National Museum exhibition marks the October Revolution with nice art…and little else

Show of The Week: Roast
It’s not Saturday Night Live, it’s a beast all of its own. Censors killed it last year, but it’s back

Show of the Week: Informal Talks
Hot young foreign guys discussing current affairs in Mandarin? It’s surprisingly civil and informative