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The Female-Perspective Films Enriching Chinese Cinema
Discover five recent female-centered films and the women directors behind them

Wildest Dream: What Taylor Swift Means To Her Chinese Fans
Five Chinese “Swifties” explain how they fell in love with the American popstar, and what she taught them about life

The Rise of Female Perspectives in China’s Movie Industry
The female pioneers of China’s film industry and how they’re continuing to bring important, fresh perspectives to the big screen

Her Havens: The Struggle Over Female-Only Spaces
Female-only spaces are proliferating, but not everybody is happy about it

2023: A Year in Feminist News
Eight noteworthy stories from a tumultuous year for gender-based news and developments in China

How a Rural Woman Found Solace in Poetry
How poetry helped Han Shimei endure a loveless marriage and a lifetime of hardship in rural China

Tang Qunying: One of China’s Earliest Feminists
She led an army of women against Qing forces, fought her whole life for women’s rights, and even slapped the country’s top leaders for failing to commit to gender equality—meet Tang Qunying

China’s Most Infamous Online Beauty Contest Gets an Unexpected Winner
Does a Go player’s crowning as “Hupu Goddess” signal that men in China are choosing brains over looks?

How Women in Small Towns Got a Taste For Gold
Women in China’s lower-tier cities and towns are increasingly buying gold accessories for investment and prestige