Photo Credit: Courtesy of Chen Qiufan

Sci-Fi Luminary Chen Qiufan on AI and Chinese Literature Abroad

Renowned Chinese sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan discusses his book “AI 2041,” humanity’s AI future, and how he gets published overseas

The rise of generative AI like ChatGPT and Midjourney has been one of the biggest news stories of 2023. From translators to computer programmers, many are already seeing these new technologies impact their work and employment prospects. But renowned Chinese sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan (also known as Stanley Chan) is optimistic.

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Qu Jingfan (渠竞帆) is a contributing writer at The World of Chinese.

author Liu Jue (刘珏)

Liu Jue is the co-managing editor of The World of Chinese Magazine. She has a Master of Arts in Communication from Middle Tennessee State University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Minzu University. She has been working for TWOC since 2012. She is interested in covering history, traditional culture, and Chinese language.

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