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Revisiting the Chinese Labor Corps: An Interview With Author Fan Wu
Chinese American writer Fan Wu discusses language, identity, and her motivation for revisiting the Chinese contribution to WWI in her new book “Souls Left Behind”

Souls Left Behind: The Forgotten Chinese Heroes in WWI
Fan Wu’s latest historical fiction chronicles the often-ignored hardships experienced by Chinese laborers sent to Europe during WWI

Voice of the Masses: Su Tong’s Latest Translated Collection Reviewed
Su Tong’s new translated collection offers English-speaking readers a window into one of China’s best-known modern writers

Sci-Fi Luminary Chen Qiufan on AI and Chinese Literature Abroad
Renowned Chinese sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan discusses his book “AI 2041,” humanity’s AI future, and how he gets published overseas

Over Drawn: The Dilemmas Facing China’s Booming Online Comics
China’s wildly popular online comics struggle to reproduce the magic of the 1990s

Can One of China’s Most Famous Authors Shed His Reputation for Misogyny?
Jia Pingwa’s ‘The Sojourn Teashop,’ now with a new English translation, is a bold experiment for an author often lambasted for his characterization of women

Blood on the Tracks: The Story of China’s Greatest Train Robbery
James Zimmerman’s new book examines the sensational stories behind the 1923 robbery of the Peking Express

Five Must-Read Works By Chinese Female Writers
These exceptional works by female Chinese authors reflect on topics from the impact of rapid urbanization on Chinese women to the trauma of sexual abuse victims

The Infancy of Children’s Literature in China
A century ago, the founding of a children’s magazine witnessed a progressive movement in how modern Chinese society wrote for—and saw—children

How are China’s Biggest Holidays Celebrated in Classic Novels?
The Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival are key scenes of drama in China’s Four Classic Novels, providing clues of how people celebrated holidays in ancient China