comic illustration
Photo Credit: Xi Dahe

Over Drawn: ​The Dilemmas Facing China’s Booming Online Comics

China’s wildly popular online comics struggle to reproduce the magic of the 1990s

When I was in middle school 20-some years ago in a small town in Inner Mongolia, I was always excited for the beginning of each new month. That’s when Cartoon King would hit the shelves at my local post office in Ordos.

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Over Drawn: ​The Dilemmas Facing China’s Booming Online Comics is a story from our issue, “Online Odyssey.” To read the entire issue, become a subscriber and receive the full magazine.


author Liu Jue (刘珏)

Liu Jue is the co-managing editor of The World of Chinese Magazine. She has a Master of Arts in Communication from Middle Tennessee State University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Minzu University. She has been working for TWOC since 2012. She is interested in covering history, traditional culture, and Chinese language.

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