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游: Learn the Chinese Character for Journeys and Adventures
The character 游 is for travel, imagination, and going with the flow

How a Character That Once Referred to Barbarians Now Represents Civility
Learn how the character 文 went from being a term for the uncivilized in ancient China to referring to literature, refinement, and culture in the modern day

On the Character: 联
Learn about a character that’s been fostering connections since ancient times

On the Character: 里
Learn all about a Chinese character that can be both close and far

On the Character: 长
Grow your enthusiasm with the character for growth, length, and seniority

On the Character: 数
Learn about this character for numbers, counting, and much more

Speaking Ill: How Ancient Chinese Talked About Sickness
From denoting various levels of illness to the “Gods of Plague,” 疒 is a radical you need to know in sickness or health