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游: Learn the Chinese Character for Journeys and Adventures
The character 游 is for travel, imagination, and going with the flow

Carved in Stone: Why Did Ancient Chinese Etch Messages into Rock?
Exploring the ancient Chinese obsession with carving messages and poems on rocks and walls

Curious Court Etiquette From Ancient China
An audience with the Son of Heaven could be a minefield of ritual, ceremony, and etiquette for China’s court officials

China, Not Italy, Probably Invented Ice Cream
From exclusive luxury for royalty to the pride of the People’s Republic, ice cream in China has a long and sweet history

How Did Ancient Chinese Avoid Sunburn?
From veiled scholar hats to canopied backpacks, China’s obsession with sun protection is not a recent one

Dice, Dominoes, and Deadly Games of Chance: Gambling in Ancient China
Discover how ancient Chinese gambled...sometimes with history-altering effects

How Did Ancient Chinese Wash Their Clothes?
With no washing machines or chemical detergents available, ancient Chinese had to get innovative to keep their clothes clean

The Bizarre and Dangerous World of Ancient Chinese Weight Loss
From a weight-loss dance to diets of cacti and musk, ancient Chinese had a variety of ways to keep themselves slim

How Ancient Chinese Scholars Celebrated Graduation
In the Tang dynasty, scholars celebrated the end of exams with food, bribes, and cosying up to officials

Anti-War Poetry in Ancient China
Four ancient Chinese poets on human suffering amid turbulence and war