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Checking In: A Language Guide to Social Media Travel Posting
Learn how to “check-in” at China’s viral tourist destinations and post about travel online

Learn the Deceptive Language of China’s Matchmakers
How to decipher the exaggerations and deceptions of matchmaking professionals

How to Navigate the Jargon of a Chinese Job Interview
Learn to decipher the opaque language of interviewers and use wordplay to land a dream job

On the Character: 联
Learn about a character that’s been fostering connections since ancient times

How To Talk Like a Chinese Investor
Ride the roller coaster of China’s stock market with our guide to investor jargon and slang

How (Not) to Handle a PR Crisis in Chinese
A language guide to how Chinese celebrities and companies handle public relations crises...and often make them worse

On the Character: 里
Learn all about a Chinese character that can be both close and far

Talk Like the Client Knows Best
The secret to business success in China may be to bombard clients with courtesy, politeness, and rose emojis

On the Character: 长
Grow your enthusiasm with the character for growth, length, and seniority